1)Channel Name:Set channel name as needed, there is no special restrictions.
2)IP type:Dynamic Residential or Mobile IPs
3)Country:The available countries for channel creation are displayed here; if no corresponding country is found, it means that the country is not available for channel creation
4)IP rotating time:Set the time of each IP rotation in minutes, which can only be filled in as integers
5)Protocol selections:Select HTTP or SOCKS5 protocol, it is recommended to use SOCKS5
6)Authentications:1,By selecting whitelist: Whitelisting IP address of the device you want to authorize', By selecting username: Using username and password to use proxy
1)Click the "Edit" button to edit the existing channel information. Afterward, click on "Save", the channel will be effective, then the server address and port number will be updated, which may be different from the original address
2)Click "View" to view the specific configuration information of the channel
3)Click "Off" to close the channel. once the channel is closed, it cannot be used again. You will need to create a new channel
4)Click "Reset" to reset the channel. After the reset, the current IP in the channel will be updated
5)Click "Delete" to delete the closed channel, and closed channel will no longer be displayed
1)Proxy type: socks5
2)Proxy host: proxy server address obtained through channel
3)Proxy port: port number obtained through channel
4)Proxy account: Doveproxy account
5)Proxy password: authentication password obtained through channel